Tuesday, July 2, 2019


My sincere apologies...it appears that on the first batch of pattern instructions the printer's missed a crucial page of instructions and I did not catch the error.  Here is the missing second page:

Sew one of these completed strips to the top of the block and one to the bottom of the block.

Your block should measure 18 1/2" square.


Pockets:  Sew on traced line.  Cut a scant 1/4" out around seam.  Clip curves and slit through one layer of each pocket,  Turn RSO and press.  Topstitch pockets to apron as shown on apron pattern template, leaving the top open.

Apron Tie:  Fold in half and sew along the 36" side of the strip and sew ends of the tie at a 45 degree angle, leaving a 2 to 3 inch space unsewn to turn the apron tie RSO.  Turn, press and set aside.

Ruffle:  Fold in half and sew the short ends of the ruffle RST.  Turn, press and sew gathering stitches along the raw edge of the ruffle.  Gather to 15".  Pin to the bottom edge of the apron front, RST, pinning ends of ruffle about 1/2" down from the top of the apron edges.  The ruffle should be up over the bottom of the apron at this point. Pin the second apron piece RST over this and sew along outside edges of apron, leaving the top edge unsewn.  Clip curves and turn RSO.  Press well and gather top of apron to 4".  Pin to cream print center of block, centered with sides and bottom of ruffle about 1" in from the edge (seamline) of the background fabric.  Pin in place and stitch the top gathered raw edge of the apron to the background fabric.  Stitch in the ditch on the seam attaching the ruffle to apron.  Center the apron tie over the top of the apron's gathered raw edge.  Pin over the gathers.  At the sides of the apron fold the ties behind the "waistband" so that you can tie a bow with the loose ends behind and above the apron.  Topstitch around all four sides of the waistband you have just created about 1/8" in from the edges, over the gathers and catching the ties as you go.  Start on the bottom edge of the waistband.  When you get to the top edge of the waistband you will have to ease in the extra fabric.

Trace the designs as pictured onto the muslin using an 01 or 005 brown pigma pen.  Color with Prisma Premier colored pencils.  After coloring, use blending stumps to blend the colors and set by painting with colorless extender.  When dry, heat set with iron on back of stitchery.  Crabapplehillstudio.com has a great tutorial on their website.

Again, I am so sorry for the inconvenience and frustration this oversight must have caused.